Rich Dad Gurukul

Rich Dad Equation

which makes people rich

R = (db2A+f)t

Rich Dad Vs Poor Dad

Creating Life

Rich Dad

  1. Think “I create my life”.
  2. Takes control of the situation.
  3. Accountable for actions and results.
  4. Focuses on solution.

Poor Dad

  1. Think “Life happens to me”.
  2. Blames circumstances.
  3. Victim of situation.
  4. Focuses on problem.

The Money

Rich Dad

  1. Money as a tool.
  2. Play the money game to win.
  3. Takes calculated risks to build wealth.
  4. Focuses on amassing wealth.
  5. Sets high goals.
  6. Money as a seed.

Poor Dad

  1. Money as a weapon.
  2. Play the money game to not lose.
  3. Reluctant to take risks.
  4. Focuses on making ends meet
  5. Sets low or no goals.
  6. Money as a fruit.

Rich Commits Vs Poor Wants

Rich Dad

  1. Committed to being rich.
  2. Determined and will take action towards building wealth.
  3. Controls fear.
  4. Dedicates time to building wealth.

Poor Dad

  1. Wanting to be rich.
  2. Entertained by the thought of wealth but will not take action.
  3.  Fear controls them.
  4. Makes excuses for being staying poor.

Think Big Vs Think Small

Rich Dad

  1. Think of building wealth on a large scale.
  2. Aim to provide the highest quality of value to the greatest quantity of people.  
  3. Ready to receive rewards and compensation for their contribution and expertise.

Poor Dad

  1. Short-sighted vision of wealth.
  2. Does not believe in their own value.
  3. Do not view themselves as worthy or deserving to receive.

Focus on Opportunities

Rich Dad

  1. Focuses on opportunities – expands wealth.
  2. Constantly working towards their goals.
  3. Not afraid of unfavorable results.

Poor Dad

  1. Focuses on obstacles – compounds problems.
  2. Stalls on their efforts.
  3. Fears failure.

Admire Other Rich People

Rich Dad

  1. Admires other rich and successful people
  2. Views being rich as a positive status
  3. Realizes that personal success stems from within and is unrelated to others

Poor Dad

  1. Resents wealthy people out of jealousy
  2. Believes rich people are “bad”
  3. Blames the rich for their personal shortcomings

Associate with Other Rich People

Rich Dad

  1. Associates with other successful/rich people.
  2. Produces positive results by adopting good habits.
  3. Focuses on becoming the best version of themselves by choosing the proper environment.

Poor Dad

  1. Associates with others who are also poor.
  2. Continues to complain amongst peers.
  3. Focuses on being the victim with the worst story to tell amongst peers.

Sell Yourself

Rich Dad

  1. Has high self-worth.
  2. Confidently promotes self-value.
  3. Attract abundant opportunities due to a positive mindset.
  4. Have the advantage of leadership qualities and characteristics.

Poor Dad

  1. Has low self-esteem and self-value.
  2. Does not like the idea of “selling” themselves.
  3. Misses opportunities for wealth.
  4. Pre-programmed with disadvantages from past experience.

Be Bigger than Your Problems

Rich Dad

  1. Confronts problems.
  2. Seeks to grow a positive attitude.
  3. Focuses on the end goal – Solution.
  4. Solves other people’s problems.

Poor Dad

  1. Avoid problems.
  2. Swallowed by problems.
  3. Does not problem solve.
  4. Adds no value to other people.

Receive Excellently

Rich Dad

  1. Excellent at receiving.
  2. High self-esteem – worthy of receiving.
  3. Open to more opportunities of receiving.

Poor Dad

  1. Terrible receivers.
  2. Low self-esteem – not worthy to receive.
  3. Limits self from receiving in all aspects of life.

Paid on Results vs Paid on Time

Rich Dad

  1. Prefers to be paid based on results.
  2. Higher earning potential through riskier ventures.
  3. Entrepreneur – Business Owner – Commission Work.
  4. Constantly improving and growing.

Poor Dad

  1. Prefers to be paid based on time.
  2. Limited earning potential due to fear of risk.
  3. Fixed salary workers.
  4. Seeks to be “steady” and “secure”.

Both Vs Either/Or

Rich Dad

  1. Think of ways to obtain both options.
  2. Identify wants, plans, and takes action to obtain both.
  3. Thinks Win-Win.

Poor Dad

  1. Limited to either/or thinking.
  2. Rationalize or justify why they cannot obtain both.
  3. Thinks Win-Lose or worst Lose-Lose.

Net Worth Vs Income

Rich Dad

  1. Focuses on Net Worth.
  2. Uses money as a tool to earn more money and build wealth.
  3. Thinks Win-Win.
  4. Manages and grows Net Worth.

Poor Dad

  1. Focuses on Income.
  2. Rationalize or justify why they cannot obtain both – feels undeserving of money and wealth.
  3. Thinks Win-Lose or worst Lose-Lose.
  4. Efforts go into increasing working income with no management.

Manage Money Well Vs Managed by Money

Rich Dad

  1. Experts at managing their money.
  2. Practices smart spending habits.
  3. Respects the subject of money.
  4. Controls their money.

Poor Dad

  1. Mismanages or does not manage money at all.
  2. Has a habit of spending.
  3. Avoids talking about money.
  4. Money controls them.

Your Money to Work Vs You Work for Money

Rich Dad

  1. Make their money work hard for them.
  2. Committed to money management.
  3. Thinks long-term.
  4. Utilizes passive income to generate more money

– Network Marketing, investing in stocks, bonds, mortgages, liquid appreciating, assets, businesses

– Royalties from music, books, software, intellectual ideas

Poor Dad

  1. Work hard for their money.
  2. Does not manage their money.
  3. Seeks instant gratification.
  4. Money controls them.

– Falls into trap of “Keeping up with the Jones”

– Constantly spends on materialistic things

Courage vs Fear

Rich Dad

  1. Takes action despite feeling fear.
  2. Not afraid of failing to success.
  3. Uses action to close the gap between inner and outer worlds. Actions transfers ideas into reality.
  4. Has mental toughness to be work through discomfort.

Poor Dad

  1. Allows fear to prevent them from progress.
  2. Too afraid of failure to succeed.
  3. Unable to achieve success or greatness due to lack of action.
  4. Undisciplined mind avoids all types of uncomfortable situations – limits growth

Learn New Things Vs Repeat the Old Things

Rich Dad

  1. Constantly seeks to learn and grow.
  2. Find ways to improve.
  3. Does not let circumstances prevent progression.
  4. Continually tries again after failing.

Poor Dad

  1. Believes they already “know it all”.
  2. Continues to make excuses.
  3. Places blame on external factors – mainly circumstances, often “luck”.
  4. Gives up and believe things are too difficult.